1. When will tickets be on sale/how can I get a ticket?
General Admission tickets are currently sold out but there are still “sponsorship” type tickets available on the ticket page. If you are looking for general admission tickets, you can signup for our waitlist: Click here for the TICKET WAITLIST
2. How do I register for all 3 WordCamp days?
Simply mark both tickets as a quantity of 1 when you register. You will be asked for duplicate information when you register both tickets, please fill out all fields. We’re sorry for this inconvenience.

The third column houses the quantity. Simply mark both as 1 before you click register.
3. Can I register for just one day?
You can register just for the Friday workshop if you’d like, however general admission is a 2-day combo and cannot be separated. During registration, please mark the days you plan on attending so we can forecast food more accurately.
4. I’d like to sponsor, but the packages are too much for me, can I sponsor for a different amount?
We have two individual sponsorships that you can purchase, both $70 and can be found on the ticket page. Half of the ticket cost covers your own expenses for attending the camp, while the other half goes towards sponsoring another person in need into the camp.
5. I want to help out, can I volunteer?
Of course! We will open up the call for volunteers in early September. Be sure you are signed up on our email list.
6. I’ve already registered, how do I get my photo to show up on the attendee page?
The attendee page hooks into a service called Gravatar. Your photo is associated with whatever email you registered with. If you don’t have a Gravatar account, we strongly encourage you to make one. Many sites online use this service to grab your photo for you.
7. I don’t want my information on the attendee page, how do I remove it?
Please contact us about the issue, and we will take it down promptly.